Jean o'Connor

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Winter's Veil

Winter has set in here and every year I am re-awakened to a message that it carries on its icy back.

As leaves fall away we come to discover worlds just meters from places that are so familiar to us.  Buildings, places, things that we cannot see the rest of the year, gradually become uncovered by the trees as their branches become barer and barer still.  Things that we didn’t even know existed just a few months before, suddenly appear in all their clarity. 

In the same way, sometimes all that is needed to make sense of things is a change of perspective, searching through and behind the trees instead of looking straight at them, looking through and behind our problems and focusing at what lies behind.

This unveiling dance continues until Spring returns and the sun bathes the ground in light once more so that the leaves return and those hidden worlds retreat behind their leafy screens once more until the next Winter comes. 

So as the cold continues its march across the ground, until March begins to tilt its head towards the sun, I’m reminded of Nature’s message to look further and deeper to find the answers that we seek.

Because often those answers are a lot closer than we think – just on the other side of the veil.